Entries by sportingshooters

“We are One” – but really we are not

Monday, May 23, 2022 @ 21:30 hr ‘We Are One’ was the catch cry after the Christchurch Mosque shootings. Some consequences of that tragedy made a mockery of what unity we may have had, when the NZ Government and the NZ Police began targeting responsible, law abiding NZ firearms owners and stripping them of their […]

Government Priorities Are Wrong

In announcing an additional $562 Million funding for police, outgoing Police Minister Poto Williams tries to give the impression that she is finally getting tough on criminals. However as Chaz Forsyth, President of the Sporting Shooters Association of New Zealand points out “that is all smoke and mirrors” $94 Million of this extra funding is […]

We need Gang Control NOT Gun Control

Appearing on News Talk ZB in response to reports of two more gang related shooting incidents in Wairoa, and the failure of people to report them, Police Association President Chris Cahill claimed “It’s why we’ve been arguing for so long about the need to have much better gun control in New Zealand because this is […]

The Public need to know the truth. # 28

Propaganda is communication that is used to influence or persuade an audience to further an agenda. It is a political tool and we’ve seen it used powerfully during the recent years by our government. Truth is not necessarily its goal or purpose, highlighted by the claim of our PM that she was removing “assault rifles” […]

$208 Million to satisfy government curiosity (?!)

On Sunday the government announced it will spend an extra $ 562 Million on the police. “Much of the money is focused on firearms, with $208m being spent establishing a new Firearms Business Unit within police, that will oversee the new Firearms Register.” The stated reason for the firearms register is because “we don’t know […]


The sporting shooters Association of New Zealand welcomes the news that the Coronial Enquiry into the 2019 Christchurch terrorist attack will consider the matter of how the shooter was issued a firearm licence. As Sporting Shooters media Director Rob Cope Williams stated “We know that immediately after the incident police claimed they were not at […]

137 page “discussion document ” !

New Zealand Police claim that in developing Regulations for shooting clubs and ranges they are simply following the law as prescribed by the Arms Legislation Act 2020. Laws passed by the government following advice from Police, that shooting clubs posed a threat to public safety, and that police had done nothing to facilitate the Christchurch […]

Licensed Firearms Owners are NOT to Blame

Confusing the misuse of firearms held by licensed firearm owners, with misuse by those holding firearms unlawfully, is a common error. An error routinely made around the world by agencies when they attempt to reduce firearm crime. Simplistic solutions for controlling firearms can’t work when it is human misusers holding them, when they misuse or […]

Police tighten their anti-gun ownership stance even further.

A 137-page discussion document has been launched by Police regarding the future Police approval and certification of shooting ranges. Clubs and individuals have just 6 weeks to lodge their thoughts and feedback on the proposed changes. Chaz Forsyth, Sporting Shooters Assn President says he is sure he speaks for most of the 240,000 licensed gun […]