SSANZ Submission to Ministry of Justice re Arms Act rewrite
Attached is the Association’s submission to MOJ. It’s 64 pages plus 54 pages of supplementary documents. Make time to read this, it’s well worthwhile. The Sporting Shooters Association of New Zealand Inc Submission FINAL
Prevalence of Homemade Firearms
Police Omission on the Prevalence of Homemade Firearms Seized Raises Questions of Reliability and Political Neutrality of Police Advice Given to Ministers The Sporting Shooters Association of New Zealand is questioning why Police appear to not compile data that directly contradicts their claims on how effective the register will be. The first disturbing revelation is […]
Clarification sought from Gun Control NZ on support for a gun registry’ Report
SSANZ seeks Clarification from Gun Control NZ re if ‘Large majority of NZ’ers support a gun registry’ Report Data Excludes Illegal ‘Gun Owners’? Wednesday 9th of August 2023 at 9 am The Sporting Shooters Association of New Zealand is calling for caution when relying on Gun Control New Zealand’s (GCNZ) most recent report, particularly when […]
Sporting Shooters Call for Accountability by the Firearms Licensing Authority
Sporting Shooters are angry that the first known instance of license holder data being leaked was the result of an entirely preventable error on the part of Authority staff. SSANZ believes that this will validate licensed firearms owner’s concerns around the data security of the Authority and the security risks posed by the firearms registry. […]
Lawmaking to make the already illegal, more illegal?
Reports of a central-government proposed bill to discourage juvenile ram-raiders smacks of deja-vu, akin to that of prohibiting semi-automatic centrefire rifles following the mass-murders by a terrorist in Christchurch just four years ago. Just as everything the offender in Christchurch did was illegal, so are the mis-deeds of the ram-raiders. Most of these raiders don’t […]
Consequences From NZ Police Association Appearance On TVNZ Breakfast
Wednesday, 17 May 2023, 12:57 pm Press Release: NZ Council Of Licensed Firearms Owners The Council of Licensed Firearm Owners (COLFO) is concerned at the unsubstantiated and incomplete evidence that emerged in an interview on live television this week with President of the NZ Police Association, Chris Cahill. Cahill’s interview on TVNZ Breakfast’s show last […]
Reducing drivers licence fees, yet proposing to increase firearm licence fees?
It is impossible not to see a pattern of sorts emerging from the news reports of proposals to reduce fees for driving motor vehicles (which contribute directly more than 9,000 injuries and deaths annually), and to increase fees for firearm licence holding (from which casualty numbers are less than 500 annually, mostly from intentional self-harming). […]
N.Z. First agrees they were mistaken to support gun law reforms
Sporting Shooters President Alec Melville recently met New Zealand First candidate Shane Jones about NZ First support of the misguided Labour Government’s firearm law reforms. Blunt-speaking Shane Jones not only agreed that NZ First were mistaken in supporting the law reforms but also indicated that he does not support further reforms including full firearm registration (FFR). […]
NZDA Raises Concerns Over Police’s Proposed Firearms Licensing Fee Increases During Cost of Living Crisis
MEDIA RELEASE; 16 March 2023 The New Zealand Deerstalkers Association (NZDA) is deeply concerned with the recent proposal by the Police to significantly increase firearms licensing fees. The proposed fee hikes have the real potential to severely impact public safety, Aotearoa New Zealand’s conservation and biodiversity goals, and other community good outcomes, particularly in terms of our ability […]
February 5, 2023 @ 21:30 hr “Creating a massive empire with hundreds of new staff is not the answer to solving the woes of the police Firearm Safety Authority” says Neville Dodd the president of the Sporting Shooters Association of New Zealand. This in response to revelations that a police internal survey of arms control staff found many […]
In a discussion document released yesterday entitled Arms regulations: Review of fees 2022 Police seek to recover the full cost of administering many of the laws and regulations covering the ownership and use of firearms, together with partial cost in some instances, from licensed firearm owners. In many cases they are proposing to raise fees from a few hundred dollars […]
! More regulation? Give us your feedback please!
It looks like NZ Labour Party via NZ Police, are bent on burying the shooting sports in paperwork & proscriptive regulation. Take a look at these range compliance guidelines and please send your feedback to us at
LICENSED FIREARMS OWNERS DON’T WANT TO HARM ANYONE. So why is $1 Million a week being spent over regulating us? As a shooting community we are very conscious of firearms safety and practice it carefully and consistently because we understand firearms and the potential dangers. That is why there are so few serious incidents involving […]
The ‘Othering’ of licensed firearms owners
The ‘othering’ of a minority group is as old as society. Throughout the ages groups have been picked on, singled out (‘othered’) and marginalized, stigmatized for their differences, invariably to deflect attention from some other flaw in society. Licensed firearm owners have long been the subject of this ‘othering’ process. A process which has been […]
Police Administration Delays are Compromising Business
Police poor administration is jeopardizing legitimate business people. Here in his own words is a story from a Firearms Dealer typical of the many complaints we are receiving says Neville Dodd, President of the Sporting Shooters Association. “ The licence for this year, applied for back in August 2021, arrived in June 2022….. Ten months….for […]